miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009



The life of a primitive people is totally regulated by customs. There are customary norms for the procedure of hunting, fishing and making war, for the sharing of booty, sexual relations, social intercourse, good manners, the performance of magical and religious ceremonies. Custom is a way of behaviour that is generally followed and which is experienced as “ binding”; any contravention provokes a reaction of disapproval by the tribe. These reactions originally proceed from the group as a whole, and can assume a great variety of forms-from putting to death, corporal punishment, expulsion from the tribe, to the expression of public scorn and ridicule.

Even among very primitive people there is generally found a chieftain, a group of elders, a council of priests or a tribunal of some kind, who in cases of doubt decide whether sanctions shall be applied. This might be considered the first germ of a “public authority”. Out of this an organised and established judiciary power gradually develops, followed by special bodies whose function is to legislate and to execute judgements by force. In this way is gradually created a machinery of the law and a system of public authorities who claim a monopoly of the exercise of force. Thus, gradually, law and custom are differentiated, that is, the norms which are maintained by the organised exercise of force, and those maintained only by spontaneous non-violent reactions ( contempt, ridicule, etc.)

Judiciary power evidently preceded legislative power. The judge originally formed his judgment according to the traditional rules of custom. Gradually, as fresh situations arose, the judge gave his verdict on what was right, that is, the traditional rules were adapted and developed in the traditional spirit to meet the pressure of fresh needs. Through the practice of the courts an inheritance of operative legal ideas became formulated and established in the course of time, flourishing in the consciousness of the peolpe or at least in the consciousness of legal experts.

Answer the questions:
1.- “which” in line 5, refers to:

2.- “who” in line 11, refers to:

3.- “this” in line 12, refers to:

4.- “this” in line 13, refers to:

5.- “this way” in line 15, refers to:

6.- “those” in line 18, refers to:

Lea las siguientes oraciones.
Indique si, de acuerdo al texto, son falsas (F) o verdaderas (V). Indique Ud. la parte del texto en que fundamenta Ud. su posición.

1. Las costumbres tienen una ligera influencia
en la vida de los pueblos primitivos.
F V ________

2. Cuando surge alguna contravención a las normas establecidas las personas importantes del grupo son la que reaccionan inicialmente.

F V ________

3. Según el texto, el escarnio y el ridículo son peores castigos que la expulsión de la tribu.

F V ________
4. El romper con una costumbre establecida puede llegar a ocasionar la muerte del defensor.

F V ________
5. En los pueblos primitivos se puede encontrar un tribunal que en caso de duda decide si se deben aplicar o no, sanciones.

F V ________
6. El poder legislativo precedió al poder judicial.

F V ________
7. Las reglas tradicionales se adaptaron y modificaron conforme surgieron necesidades nuevas.

F V ________
8. Según el autor hay tres etapas en el desarrollo del sistema legal.

F V ________

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