martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009



Use the past tense form of the verb in parentheses in each sentence.

1. We (finish) the work yesterday. We finished the work yesterday.

2.- Frank (borrow) some money from his friend last night.

3.- I (like) that movie about President Wilson´s life.

4.- That company (hire) twenty new workers last year.

5.- Mr. Harris (explain) the lesson to us very carefully.

6.- The students (study) those two lessons yesterday.

7.- Everyone (enjoy) the party very much last night.

8.- The driver (stop) the bus very quickly.

9.- The clerk (count) the money two or three times.

10.- My friend (help) me with my homework this afternoon.

11.- Mr. Berg (describe) his trip to us after class yesterday.

12.- My sister (stay) in Europe for two and a half months.

13.- All of the students (copy) the assignment carefully.

14.- The secretary (omit) two or three names from the list.


Change the following statements to questions. Study the first two examples carefully.

1 They finished the work. Did they finish the work?

2 They were in their office. Were they in their office?

3 Mr. and Mrs. Wilson visited their friends in Detroit.

4 The teacher told the students the answer to the question.

5 That movie about Wilson’s life was interesting.

6 Mr. Harris explained the meaning of the word to her.

7 Those men from South America were at the meeting.

8 The students studied carefully for the examination.

9 The Wilsons sold their house at a low price.

10 The last lesson was very difficult for the students.

11. Their friends watched that television program last night.

12 The man read the instructions in the book very carefully.

13 There were many people at the party last Friday night.


Change the following statements to negatives.

1 He worked very hard.

2 He was at the meeting.

3 The secretary copied the names from the list carefully.

4 Alice ate lunch at the cafeteria with her friends.

5 The students were ready for the examination.

6 Mr. Harris taught at New York University last summer.

7 The teacher noticed the mistake in that sentence.

9 The last two lessons were very difficult for me.

10 The students brought their dictionaries to class yesterday.

11 The director agreed with his assistants on that matter.

12 There were many people in the audience last night.

13 Mr. Johnson prepared that report for Mr. Wilson.

14 Our friends went to the movies with us on Saturday night.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009


Read this story. Study the verbs carefully.

My name is James Johnson. I am in the office manager of the Ajax Company. I am in the office of the company now. I am sitting at my desk right now.
I am working on a report for Mr. Wilson. He is my boss. Miss Peters is helping me with the report. She is my secretary. She is sitting beside my desk. But she isn’t writing in her notebook. I am not dictating to her at this moment. We are not working. We are resting for a few minutes. I am looking around the office right now.
Mr. Wilson isn’t working in his office. I see four people at the end of the room. Mr. Wilson is with the people. He is taking the people through our office. He is telling the people about our methods. The are listening to Mr. Wilson carefully.
Miss Stewart is wearing a blue dress today. She is sitting at her desk. She is talking over the telephone. She is writing in her notebook at the same time. Someone is giving important information to her over the telephone right now.
There are twenty people in the room. Everyone is working hard right now. Three or four people are writing letters. Some people are studying important papers. Smith and Green are not here right now. They are not writing reports. They are collecting information for me.
I hear some noise in the hall. There are three workers there. The three men are fixing the floor in the hall. They are talking and laughing. They are also hitting the floor with hammers.


1 Is Miss Peters helping Mr. Johnson right now?
2 Is Miss Peters sitting at her own desk now?
3 Is Mr. Johnson dictating to Miss Peters now?
4 Is Miss Peters writing in her notebook right now?
5 Are Mr. Johnson and Miss Peters working on a report?
6 Are they working on the report right at this moment?
7 Are they resting for a few minutes?
8 Is Mr. Johnson looking around the office now?
9 Is Mr. Wilson in his private office right now?
10 Does Mr. Johnson see many people in the office?
11 Are the four customers with Mr. Wilson now?
12 Is Mr. Wilson with the four visitors now?
13 Is Mr. Wilson talking to the four people right now?
14 Are the people listening to Mr. Wilson carefully?
15 Is Miss Stewart sitting beside Mr. Johnson right now?
16 Is Miss Stewart talking to someone at this moment?
17 Are there very many people in the office now?
18 Are Smith and Green in the main office now?
19 Are Smith and Green helping Mr. Johnson now?
20 Does Mr. Johnson hear noise in the hall?
21 Are the three workers talking and laughing?
22 Are they also hitting the floor with hammers?

Write am, is, or are in the blank space in each sentence.

1 Mr. Wilson _____________ talking to visitors right now.
2 I _________ sitting at my desk right at this moment.
3 Miss Peters _____________ helping me with a report now.

4 We ______________ working on the report right now.
5 I _________________ looking around the office at this moment.
6 The people ___________ listening to Mr. Wilson carefully.

7 He ______________ telling the people about our methods.
8 Everyone _______________ working very hard right now.
9 Some people ______________ studying important papers now.

10 Smith and Green ______________ collecting information now.
11 The men _________________ fixing the floor in the hall right now.
12 They ____________ also making much noise at this moment.


Use the continuous present tense of each verb. Write the verb in the blank space.

1 (work) He _______________ on a report right now.
2 (study) We ________________ some important papers.
3 (help) She ________________ me with the report now.

4 (sit) The men _______________ at their desks now.
5 (write) The two girls ________________ letters.
6 (work) Everyone __________________ very hard right now.

7 (watch) I _________________ my boss and the visitors.
8 (listen) They ________________ to Mr. Wilson carefully.
9 (talk) Someone ________________ to Miss Stewart now.

10 (dictate) Mr. Adams _______________ letters right now.
11 (collect) Smith and Green_____________ information.
12 (talk) She ______________ and _______________ at the same time.
13 (talk) The men_____________ and _________________ right now.

Select the correct verb for each sentence. Use each verb only once. Use only the past tense form the verb.

1. Last year, this class began at 8:30 p.m.
2. Mary __________________ on the slippery steps today.
3. The Browns _______________ a new house last year.
4. The thief ________________ jewelry from that store.
5. Miss Davis _______________ to Cuba with her sister.
6. Frank _________________ us a long letter last week.
7. He __________________ his hand with a sharp knife.
8. Mary ________________ her new dress to the party.
9. Bill ________________ me fifteen dollars yesterday
10. The man _______________ the door very quietly.
11. Mr. Wilson __________________ the car carefully.
12. She ________________ the dictionary beside the typewriter
13. We _______________ happy because of the news.
14. The dog ______________ me and _____________ my clothes.


Select the correct verb for each sentence. Use each verb only once. Use only the past tense form the verb.

1. The men ___________ for Chicago last Tuesday
2. Frank ______________ on the slippery steps today.
3. The Browns _______________ a new house last year.
4. The thief ________________ jewelry from that store
5. Miss Davis _______________ to Cuba with her sister.
6. Frank _________________ us a long letter last week.
7. He __________________ his hand with a sharp knife.
8. Mary ________________ her news dress to the party.
9. Bill ________________ me fifteen dollars yesterday
10. The man _______________ the door very quietly.
11. Mr. Wilson __________________ the car carefully.
12. She ________________ the dictionary beside the typewriter
13. We _______________ happy because of the news
14. The dog ______________ me and _____________ my clothes.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009


Use the correct tense of the verb in each sentence. Choose between the simple present tense and the continuous present tense.

1 He (work) hard every day.

2 He (talk) to Tom now.

3 Miss Stewart (look) at the newspaper now.

4 The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon.

5 Those two fellows (fix) the car right now.

6 That French girl (speak) English very well.

7 Uncle Walter (eat) dinner with us every Sunday.

8 My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much.

9 John and Frank (write) letters at this moment.

10 Mr. Johnson (work) thirty-five hours a week.

11 My sister (need) some money for her books.

12 It (rain) very much in the United States.

13 Mr. Brown (pay) his bills once a month.

14 The student (look up) that new word right now.

15 Mr. Moore (teach) English from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

16 Mr. Moore (begin) the new lesson right now.

17 I (owe) my friend two dollars and fifty cents.

18 Smith (watch) a baseball game every Saturday.

19 Miss Peters (talk) to Mr. Johnson right now.

20 Pierre (know) all of the new words very well.

21 We always (do) our English lessons carefully.

22 We (do) exercise thirteen right at the moment.

Write don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t in the blank space in each sentence.
1 He isn’t listening to the radio right now.
2 He doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.
3 We ____________ watching a television program now.

4 We ____________ watch television every day.

5 They ___________ study their lessons after class.

6 They ___________ studying their lessons right now.

7 It _____________ raining very hard right at the moment.

8 It _____________ rain very much during the summer.

9 Mr. Johnson __________ eating his lunch now.

10 Mr. Johnson __________ always eat at that place.

11 I ____________ see any students in that room.

12 They ____________ like milk with their meals.

Write do, does, is, are in the blank space in each sentence.
1 Do the men come to work at 9:00 every morning?
2 Are the men coming into the room right now?
3 _________ you learn the new words in each lesson?
4 _________ you learning the new words right now?

5 _________ Mr. Johnson work for the Ajax Company?

6_________ Mr. Johnson working on a report right now?

7_________ she usually sit in the third row?

8_________ she sitting in the fourth row now?

9 ________ you read many books every year?

10 _________ reading an interesting book now?

11 _________ the students need help with their lessons?

12 _________ this lesson seem very difficult to you?

13_________ you remember the name of that book?

14 _________ you understand all of the words very well?

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009


You judge

Read the biographies of these two people and the crimes each one has commited. In groups, discuss the crimes and dicide on the sentence you would give if you were the judge.

Case 1
Biography: Karen Mitchel a 19 year-old-woman.
She is not very well-educated and has a boyfriend
Who seems to have a lot of money and travels
abroad a lot. She is very impressed with her
boyfriend, but she knows he has been to prison
twice before. Karen´s boyfriend asks her to go to
Turkey to bring back a suitcase he left there on his
last visit. He tells her it contains important papers
for his business and she can earn $ 5,000 for
collecting the suitcase. Karen thinks it is a little
strange that her boyfriend asks her to go, but she
goes without asking questions. She does not want
to ask too many questions because she wants the

Crime: Drug smuggling – She smuggled $ ½ million
worth of heroine from Turkey in a suitcase. She was
caught at Heathrow Airport, London, as she returned,
but she said she did not know what was in the suitcase.

no sentence, but a warning not to do it again
a fine of $ _____________
_______ years commnuty service
_______ years in prison

Case 2
Biography: Mrs. Theresa Arlott has five children.
She is unemployed and her husband left her three
years ago. He is much better-off than she is, but he
does not give much money to her for the upbringing
of her children. Mrs Arlott would like to go on
holiday with her children but she has no money.
She spends all her money on food and clothes for
the family. Last week she committed a crime.

Crime: Shoplifting – she stole $ 100 worth of food
and clothes from a supermarket.